Wednesday 4 March 2009

« A cultural Dialogue » Project 2

Magen Avraham Centre, Jaffa
Artists Ophira Avissar (visal artist); Shmoulik Matalon (actor)

The adolescents (14 to 18 years old) who frequent the Magen Avraham youth centre in Jaffa are all Arab teenagers, living in poor environment, many of them at risk. With no proper care, family structure, nor homes of their own they live at the extreme margins of the society
This project seeks to emphasize the various cultural and religious differences and complexities encountered by Muslims and Christians Arabs in Israel. Via the arts and artistic creation, both visual and theatrical, the workshop deals with questions concerning the sentiment of nationality, feelings of belongings, choice of language, possible future.
Through dialogue, conversation, and artistic creation, the participants are lead to deal, in a different way, with the society issues which preoccupies youth in general and their specific social, economical milieu in particular.
Being in the middle of our project these days, here also we are amazed to see the thirst of the teenagers for a meaningful activity. Young boys are more than willing to embroider a “bead” for the chain of art. They listen carefully, and sincerely do their best.
At the end of the project, an exhibit of their works is planned in the youth club, before the sending of the works to the international exhibition in Paris.
We are really moved to see real and useful fruits to our work.

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