Saturday 30 May 2015

The inventory of luck & happiness

During our last weekend session at the Anna-Schmidt-Schule in Frankfurt we have finished the archive of words and pictures – "les mots de chance" – which we collected in a card-index box that was formerly used for learning french vocabulary.
The class 5A started last tuesday thinking about things that make them happy and painting them on cards and we only had to finish this and add more to them to fill the wooden box.
Other projects have got their final touch: The inventory of refrigerators and the alphabet of migration.
So all this and some photos will be send to Paris next week and we hope to see it in the exhibition as usual with lots of other interesting inventories.

Saturday 23 May 2015

Inventing Inventories – „what is in your fridge?“

After the inspiring visit of the exhibition of Subodh Gupta at the Museum of Modern Art in Frankfurt the group of the voluntary Unesco Art Class did several brainstormings to start their own artwork and inventory. Lots of ideas came up and passed away, like making a common artwork asking people for a drawing of the best moment in life.
As we always meet around lunch time food is always something someone thinks about and Subodh Gupta has also shown several installations relating to this cultural field.
So the idea came up to collect photographies of the interiors of refrigerators around the world via social networks. Friends and families of the students supported the concept by opening up their fridge and contributing pictures. These will be shown at the exhibition in a book. On the photos you can study and compare the different food and various products, the systems of storing and packing away.

The light of the refrigerators highlights the supply of nourishment that is nowadays often a mixed collection of typical local food and global brands. They look similar around the world. So it is not so easy to find out where the pictures were taken.

Lichtigfeldschule meets Musterschule in Frankfurt/Main

Two schools, two religious concepts, same neighborhood and similar dreams and attitudes of life.
This is what the boys and girls experienced when they met again for the second time in march 2015. The Lichtigfeldschule is attended by jewish kids and the Musterschule is open for muslim, christian and not religious students. Both classes have kids of multicultural background which they have shown when they were asked to cover a sheet with words and pictures of all the things and themes that are important for them. Here you can find and try to read a lot of different languages and letters, – sometimes of the same subject. So they developed a kind of international inventory of the things they love and long for.

Here they hold their work to present it to all the others involved and wave „hello“in a way that you sometimes cannot really tell whose hand it is which is a wonderful sign of their togetherness.