Sunday 29 March 2009

News from the Secondary school Colbert (Paris)

The young people of the Secondary school Colbert have begun them photographic assemblies. The idea consists in staging within a work of their choice and to invent and to stack another story to that creates by the artist. The first results in preview!

Niki de Saint-Phalle & Elisabeth Rossignol

Anselm Kiefer & Joana Mesquita

Saturday 14 March 2009

Bonjour! Salutations de la Turquie.

Nous aimons partager l'art avec vous.
Türkçe yazı bizim için büyük sürpriz oldu. Merakla sizinle görüşmeyi bekliyoruz. Bizde sizin gibi kimlik kartı çalışıyoruz. Ama galiba farklılıklar var.

Tüm sınıf ve Melek öğretmen

Size çalışmalarımızdan fotoğraflar yolluyoruz. Sizin yeni mesajlarınızı bekliyoruz.






Monday 9 March 2009

News from Turkey ! What are they doing ?

A Drop of Peace...
The participating childrens are pupils in primary and junior high school children and they are accompanied by the artists Alp Gani Oral and Tuba Tiryaki.
The project has been realised by selected school children from different parts of Ankara (from different culture & economical conditions) come together for workshops.
Anadolu is very important homeland for many civilizations. 1280BC. Hittites and Egyptians (Mutavallis & Ramses II) come together on these lands to sign Kadeş, first written peace treaty in the world history (one copy on the wall of United Nations). So children start program by visiting Anatolian Civilizations Museum. Children surprised to see peace solutions of different cultures on Anatolia. Expecially children loved the idea of building shopping cities (Karums) . Building strong ties between different cultures by business (the idea do business no fight). After several museum visits children made brain storms to make link between art and peace. And they start to build their protecter lion (showing her teeth and three tails) who protects and preverves the peace.Just like how Hittites put lion statues on gates of Karums. For statue ordinary plastic bottles used by children.

Mevlana Calling...
Melek Koray, artist, accompanies childrens from primary and junior high school.
Mevlana is very important Turkish philosopher who lived 12.century. Known as one of the father of humanism. He influenced by ancient anatolian philosophers. Centuries later this ideas became very important steps of Renaissence in Europe. Last year celebrated as Mevlana year by Unesco.
In all steps of Project, music took important place. Neyzen Haluk Hilmi Derinöz (ney musician ) joined the workshops and gave mini concert to children. Children learned the ideas of Mevlana, his love which holds all religions. Children dance to catch the love. And they express their feelings on papier with ink. All painting come together on love installation.

And an other project is intituled A Box of Dream...
The artists are Melek Koray, Alp Gani Oral, Özge Sekreter and they accompany childrens from primary and junior high school.
Description of project :
Children in workshops tried to find the answers of questions: Who am I? My identity? Me in the world? What are my dreams? Then they come together in D-Atelier to create their dream boxes. Each child bring someting personal from home and find the answer of these questions by art. Final work, boxes come together by the help of artists.

De la part élèves d'Ecouen... aux élèves de Turquie !


Biz Ecouen sehiri « Jean Bullant » okulundayiz. Altincini sinifinin ögrenciyiz.
Ecouen’ten Paris’a yakintir : 25 km var.
Simdilik resim yapiriz. Herkes bir çok büyük ve özel hüviyet varakasi gerçeklestirir.
Bu için bizim insan resmileri yapiriz.
Siz ne hazirsiniz ? Bu zamanda hava nasildir ?

Biz sizin tanismanindan çok hoslaniriz.
Lütfen, iyi anlama için küçük cumle yazmak lazim.
Bizim resim ögretmen : Clotilde biraz türçe yazabilir ve yavas yavas konusabilir…
Görüsmek üzere, Sizin arkadaslarin.

Wednesday 4 March 2009

« A cultural Dialogue » Project 2

Magen Avraham Centre, Jaffa
Artists Ophira Avissar (visal artist); Shmoulik Matalon (actor)

The adolescents (14 to 18 years old) who frequent the Magen Avraham youth centre in Jaffa are all Arab teenagers, living in poor environment, many of them at risk. With no proper care, family structure, nor homes of their own they live at the extreme margins of the society
This project seeks to emphasize the various cultural and religious differences and complexities encountered by Muslims and Christians Arabs in Israel. Via the arts and artistic creation, both visual and theatrical, the workshop deals with questions concerning the sentiment of nationality, feelings of belongings, choice of language, possible future.
Through dialogue, conversation, and artistic creation, the participants are lead to deal, in a different way, with the society issues which preoccupies youth in general and their specific social, economical milieu in particular.
Being in the middle of our project these days, here also we are amazed to see the thirst of the teenagers for a meaningful activity. Young boys are more than willing to embroider a “bead” for the chain of art. They listen carefully, and sincerely do their best.
At the end of the project, an exhibit of their works is planned in the youth club, before the sending of the works to the international exhibition in Paris.
We are really moved to see real and useful fruits to our work.

“An intergenerational dialogue”

Golomb Elementary School, Neve Eliezer, south east of Tel-Aviv.
Elderly Centre in Neve Eliezer managed by the municipality of Tel-Aviv.
Artists : Ophira Avissar (visual artist); Shmoulik Matalon (actor)
The main issue of this workshop is to investigate the possibilities of common creation and interaction between two categories of persons in the boundaries of the society, living close to each other in the same neighbourhood.
The project brings together school children from an elementary school and retired people from an elderly centre nearby.
The Golomb school gathers children from various quarters in the south of Tel-Aviv. The chose group is composed of 12 6th grade children with obsessive compulsive disorder, who are considered in « school failure ». The group is correlated with 6 aged persons from the Neve ELiezer elderly centre located in the same neighbourhood.
The idea of merging is expressed in more than one way: it is a merging of artistic techniques, of different kinds of people and also between two artistic disciplines.
The children and their aged guests are creating together chains of art works. We are now heading towards our ninth meeting (out of ten) and we are moved to see the development of friendship and mutual understanding, as well as learning and listening together, and even… recognizing sentiments of pleasure and pride in and out of their work.

Once the workshop is over, after the last meeting, we will organize an exhibition of the works at the elementary school, to which the aged people will be invited to bring members of their families and friends to visit.
For us, artists, this is an exciting encounter and a wonderful way of creating “chains” in some small alienated society of our time…

Friday 13 February 2009

Dheisheh Camp Social Youth Center

Handala, the Palestinian defiance symbol...

Handala is the most famous of Naji al-Ali's characters. He is depicted as a ten-year old boy, and appeared for the first time in Al-Siyasa in Kuwait in 1969. The figure turned his back to the viewer from the year 1973, and clasped his hands behind his back.

The artist explained that the ten-year old represented his age when forced to leave Palestine and would not grow up until he could return to his homeland; his turned back and clasped hands symbolized the character's rejection of "outside solutions". Handala wears ragged clothes and is barefoot, symbolizing his allegiance to the poor. In later cartoons, he sometimes appears throwing stones or writing graffiti.

Handala became the signature of Naji al-Ali's cartoons and remains an iconic symbol of Palestinian identity and defiance; the artist remarked that "this being that I have invented will certainly not cease to exist after me, and perhaps it is no exaggeration to say that I will live on with him after my death".

The young people, future artists ? and the artist Rania !

Lycée Colbert - Portrait workshop (1st step)


Publié par Estelle F.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

The Art & Design Class of th Anna-Schmidt-Schule in Frankfurt

We were working on metissage and tried to make a connection between our ancestors and the roots of our families and today by chosing old photos, enlarge them on a black and white photo-copy and paint. Here are some examples:

This picture is from Isaax and designed by Ben Ferro. It shows Isaax as a baby. He is at a beach in Mexico. The design is made for showing the free posibility of showing himself. His grandma is holding him and he is holding a little doll which is very sad about life.
This shows Tenny's chinese mother infront of the Forbidden City in Beijing during the cultural revolution. She obviously had a very good time.

This is the photography of a painted photocopy of a photography of Sophia's great-great-grandfather’s school class. Complicated but colourful.
F’Poh! It’s SPEEDRACE TIME! Believe it o not! I’m live in tha ancient Circus Minimus! No romans here but thr33 gorgeous gals’r launchin’ tha engine and now’r headin’ for tha F1N1SH. Gotta say it’s RACE AGAINST THE DEATH. Beware of sum bird shit that’s actually dropped by tha frickin’ “brush-aviator”. No place on the picture for it – BUT! imagine that it loads tons of bird shit and’ll transform the battlefield into a swimming pool of mud sooner than ya hope. Who’ll win the race? The perverted race InstructA likes to see thoz women fighting fo’ life. This race actually REALLY happened in Pisa, Italy, where the official picture was takin’ by me, myself and I.

Our schoolyard is as grey as the original photocopy. I want much more colour, like in this picture. The only parts I left to be grey are the only spots of colour in our yard. In my opinion this picture misses green, like our schoolyard. Written and designed by Tenny.
Benjamin changed this picture. The picture shows Benjamin as a baby. He sits on the floor at a flat in Kiew, Ukraine. In the flat it was very cold, so he painted himself a cap. Because of growing up in Russia he is wears t-shirts and shorts every day in winter.