Monday 26 January 2009

Margalit en pleine action !!!!!!!

Via a practical approach, participants learn to read and understand a repertoire of symbols which they incorporate in their own creations, both personal and collective. Symbols, symbolic representations, and metaphors are at the same time mirrors of human nature, living images, and sources of artistic creations. Mysterious as they canbe, symbols are powerful tools of communication, both universal and individual, andtalk to our intelligence and to our senses. In our approach participants intuitively learn to decipher the message conveyed by symbols chosen along paths within museums (from primitive to contemporary art), but also borrowed from architecture, literature, music, and other domains, and thus realize they can “read” and understand various societies and cultures. This collective grammar of symbols finally allows them to discover mutual values, cross-culturalsimilarities, and to find that they share far more common references than they imagined.
Margalit & Livia.
"The last research shows that the most ancient different artistic expressions, through out the entire world, illustrate one similar typology, the same choice thematic, and the same type of association. Even their style is fundamentally inscribed in one and the same sequence limited in variations. Therefore it seems to be justified to speak about one & unique visual language, springing from the same language, from the exact same association of ideas and from a universal symbolisms that compose the human mental essence, which produced his imprint, under the form we call ART, and that is engraved on the rocks and walls the entire world where population lived by early civilization, before the birth of the written language". Emmanuel Anati, in « La religion des origines » Bayard éditions.
"Les dernières recherches montrent que les différentes expressions artistiques des phases les plus anciennes, dans le monde entier, illustrent une typologie similaire, le même choix thématique, les mêmes types d’associations. Même le style s’inscrit fondamentalement dans une même gamme limitée de variantes. Il semble donc justifié de parler d’un langage visuel unique, d’une même logique, d’une même structure d’association d’idées et d’un symbolisme universel qui constitueraient l’essence mentale même de l’Homme dont l’empreinte, sous la forme artistique, est gravée sur les parois rocheuses de toutes les terres atteintes par l’homme avant l’écriture. »Emmanuel Anati, in « La religion des origines » Bayard éditions.

Saturday 24 January 2009

Workshops MDA 2009

Colbert secondary school
(Paris 10e-France

33 participants
(15-16 years old)

Artists :
- Isabelle Sjofer (slameuse)
- Estelle Fenech (photographer&film maker)
- Didier Gonducheau (photographer)

The 23Th january 2009
Visit-workshop in the Museum Quai Bra

An unpartitioned geographical itinerary comprising 3,500 artefacts from all four corners of the world.

At the end of the ‘ramp’, the long winding walkway that spirals up from the reception hall, the permanent collections area presents the great geographical regions in which the Musée du quai Branly’s remarkable collections originated: Oceania, Asia, Africa and the Americas. The visitor makes his way fluidly across them, taking in the major crossroads between civilisations and cultures: Asia-Oceania, Insulindia, and Mashreck-Maghreb.

The 3,500 artefacts are presented so as to highlight the historical depth of the cultures that produced them, and the many different meanings that the works themselves possess. The museography encourages the visitor to take the time to inform himself on major thematic areas: masks and tapa in Oceania, costume in Asia, and African musical instruments and textiles form the subjects of a series of fascinating video presentations.

Some of the pics taken by the young participants. It is from these pictures and from these art works that the young participants of the workshop of the Secondary school Colbert are going to work this year around the notions of concrete and abstract. They are then going to have to stage through their feelings, their body and their imagination and trying to habit this art works through the photography and the slam artistic tools.

Mis en ligne par Estelle

Thursday 22 January 2009

Some presentations of all...

Welcome to all and to everybody !

While the various artistic workshops have begun at the moment in Turkey, Israel-Palestine, Germany and France, here is finally our space of exchange beyond the borders ! This is our common blog which is built by the contribution of every participant.
Some short presentations...

From Turkey, thanks to Alp (director of D-Atelier), two schools from Odtü and Türk Eðitim Derneði of 12 and 13 students are with us. Their workshop has started since december 2008. An other group of 5-6 childrens from D-Atelier will join us.
Two groups from Kale region (near from Ankara) : 7 students of 9-10 and 7 students of 11-13 years old.
We will have the pleasure to welcome two groups of women during March : from Çankaya municipality and D-Atelier.

From Israel-Palestine, the young people from camp of Dheisheh make live the blog. The young people from towns of Julis and Eilat are also invited. And maybe others !

From Germany, to Frankfort, the class 'Art and Design workshop' of Anna Schmidt High School and the 20 students of 14-19 years old give their contributions. They work on the idea of metissage and reinterpretation of past and present.
One group from Stuttgart is followed by Juliane.
And from the town of Odenwaldschuler, 18 students of 15-16 years old will share with us their project.

And from France, in Paris and near region, four classes participate,
- 33 students of Colbert High School built, with the artists Elisa (writing) and Estelle (photo-video), a dialogue between pictures and writings to make live cultural diversities. Research of identity and metissage of memories.

- Students of 11-12 years old of Jean Bullant secondary school create identity cards with the help of the plastic artists Clothilde and Isabelle. They ask for their origins and their imaginaries.

- One project intituled 'Arborescence' is developed by a class from Liberté secondary school : with researches in historic documents, the students work on the different symbolic representations and their connections. These symbols can become reference for identity. Every student will can express themselves by photography or plastic arts with the artists Bernadette and Marion.

- And a class from Marie Curie secondary school, young peoples of 13-15 years old introduce their project intituled 'Un autre moi' : they imagine an other way of life with a collectiv material : the ancestral myths which found our collectiv history. Their tools are slam (with the artist Isabelle) and drawing (with the artist Nativ).

Later, we expect for the contribution of a group of women from Maison du Bas Belleville.

You can add some precisions about your works to exchange all together !
And now, let us leave place with the creation ...