Via a practical approach, participants learn to read and understand a repertoire of symbols which they incorporate in their own creations, both personal and collective. Symbols, symbolic representations, and metaphors are at the same time mirrors of human nature, living images, and sources of artistic creations. Mysterious as they canbe, symbols are powerful tools of communication, both universal and individual, andtalk to our intelligence and to our senses. In our approach participants intuitively learn to decipher the message conveyed by symbols chosen along paths within museums (from primitive to contemporary art), but also borrowed from architecture, literature, music, and other domains, and thus realize they can “read” and understand various societies and cultures. This collective grammar of symbols finally allows them to discover mutual values, cross-culturalsimilarities, and to find that they share far more common references than they imagined.
Margalit & Livia.
"The last research shows that the most ancient different artistic expressions, through out the entire world, illustrate one similar typology, the same choice thematic, and the same type of association. Even their style is fundamentally inscribed in one and the same sequence limited in variations. Therefore it seems to be justified to speak about one & unique visual language, springing from the same language, from the exact same association of ideas and from a universal symbolisms that compose the human mental essence, which produced his imprint, under the form we call ART, and that is engraved on the rocks and walls the entire world where population lived by early civilization, before the birth of the written language". Emmanuel Anati, in « La religion des origines » Bayard éditions.
"Les dernières recherches montrent que les différentes expressions artistiques des phases les plus anciennes, dans le monde entier, illustrent une typologie similaire, le même choix thématique, les mêmes types d’associations. Même le style s’inscrit fondamentalement dans une même gamme limitée de variantes. Il semble donc justifié de parler d’un langage visuel unique, d’une même logique, d’une même structure d’association d’idées et d’un symbolisme universel qui constitueraient l’essence mentale même de l’Homme dont l’empreinte, sous la forme artistique, est gravée sur les parois rocheuses de toutes les terres atteintes par l’homme avant l’écriture. »Emmanuel Anati, in « La religion des origines » Bayard éditions.